Getting strong

It’s about time I (once again) set some fitness goals and track my progress towards them. In the past, I’ve taken the approach of starting with a exercise routine and changing it up as my strengths or weaknesses dictate. This year I’m setting a cumulative rep goal for a small number of key compound movements.

End of year total rep goals

  • 100 pull ups
  • 500 dips
  • 1,000 pushups
  • 5,000 squats

Yes, those numbers are mostly made up with no real thought behind them other than they sound vaguely achievable.

You can follow along as I track my progress towards those goals.


I know this year is not an ideal time to be trying to set high expectations as my primary goal should be just survive - our second child is due in the middle of the year - but really, when is a good time? Life will always get in the way so we might as well try to roll with it.

  • Birth of second child
  • Starting the year off with the whole family being sick
  • Left shoulder injury from way back
  • Right shoulder injury from holding first child
  • I can’t do any pull ups
  • I can’t do any dips
  • I can’t do more than 3 pushups (probably)

Even with all of that listed, I still think the goal is achievable if I push for it.

I’ll keep track of all the good-form reps I do and will update once or twice during the year with a round up post at the end.

Written on January 2, 2022