Getting strong

It’s about time I (once again) set some fitness goals and track my progress towards them. In the past, I’ve taken the approach of starting with a exercise routine and changing it up as my strengths or weaknesses dictate. This year I’m setting a cumulative rep goal for a small number of key compound movements.

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Digital security

Protecting one’s digital life is hard but I’ve taken a few decent steps towards securing mine.

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I’ve collated some helpful COVID-19 links that I’ve been giving out to people.

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Year of bread

I’ve been on and off baking bread for about three years now. Most of the time the end result is good but generally inconsistent. I keep changing recipes, mixing recipes, not following recipes, using various brands of ingredients and changing my technique.

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2FA codes

I’m about to factory reset my mobile phone and one of my preparation steps is to ensure that I don’t lose my 2FA codes. Over time the number of websites I use with 2FA has grown, making the task of backup/migrating codes a pain

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Fasting for health and clarity

Last week I completed a seven three day water fast as an experiment to see what benefits or issues would arise. I knew this would not be overly dangerous because humans can survive a long time without food (in one particular case, a full year!).

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